Every ruler is a good ruler, because they are placed in their position by natural forces directed by the hand of God for some higher purpose.

However God and natural forces have a limited selection to choose from and have to choose poor candidates.

The quality of a good candidate changes from age to age and place to place.

Sometimes a leader is selected to punish and destroy, some to build, some to bless us and some to act as guardian and custodian, most as some combination.

Candidates for the first kind of leader are the most common so need little instruction nor encouragement, though all rulers are both a blessing and a curse, so they should not despair.

The rulers sent to build are also sent to destroy- to create it is necessary to destroy and often the appetite for destruction grows to great and they are eventually struck down. It is a curse on humanity that birth should always be painful. Aspiring to become a ruler of this type is characteristic of leaders of the first sort.

However when the need for such a leader arises and a leader fulfills this role they should not tolerate any threat which could force them into greater destruction in order to acheive greatness for their people and their land. But they should behave honourably nevertheless and they may acheive great goodness.

The rulers sent to bless us are sent their orders from heaven, they should not lose faith in them or take them for granted.

Those sent to act as a cheifly as a custodian are the most common type of leader, and this type we shall focus on and if they all did their job none of the other types of leader would be necessary.

The most important aspect for such a leader is their character.

They should not have a great ego, they must be prepared to suffer for little thanks.

They should always have moderate manners and should dress modestly but acceptably.

They should be honourable in everything that they do, how they conduct themselves in one way reflects how they conduct themselves in others.

They should be humble and unostentatious, but they should have confidence in and love for their people, so their people will have confidence in and love for them.

They should know what should never be compromised and what should.

The should not try to shape their country, but let it grow and shape itself.

Once in power they should not oppose the current of events, but guide them productively.

They should not tolerate injustice.

They must act with reverence to God.

They should possess intelligence and understanding, but their understanding must be broad not specialised otherwise they will be distracted from their ingnorance by their narrow depth of knowledge.